API Reference
The Vert ALPR API is organized around REST. Our API has predictable resource-oriented URLs, accepts form-encoded request bodies, returns JSON-encoded responses, and uses standard HTTP response codes, authentication, and verbs.
The following functionalities are available via our API live endpoints:
Update all plates for a list
Add 1-10 plates to a list
Delete 1-10 plates from a list
The following URL is the base URL for all customer facing API requests.
Get Reports
This represents a report generated by the scan history of your team. You can retrieve an array of report objects taken by all members of your organization via the Vert ALPR mobile iOS/Android app.
The following URL is the endpoint URL for retrieving report objects.
GET /v1/reports?startDate=START_DATE&endDate=END_DATE&limit=LIMIT&offset=OFFSET&apiKey=API_KEY
GET Reports
Returns a report list consisting of an array of scan objects. The report scans are returned sorted by captured date in ascending order.
Query Parameters
startDate required
The earliest date boundary of your desired report.
endDate required
The latest date boundary of your desired report.
limit required
Max 10000. Sets the limit of the number of payload items returned.
offset required
Sets the offset from the first item in the desired return set.
apiKey required
Your unique access API key for your organization. Please contact if you have not been granted one.
"apiKey": API_KEY,
"listId": LIST_ID,
"plates": [
"plate": "ABC123",
"name": "Support Team",
"email": "",
"expiresAt:": "2024-03-01T20:31:21Z",
"label": "DO NOT TOW",
"labelHex": "009DFF",
"make": "Toyota",
"model": "Prius",
"color": "Silver"
"plate": "123ABC",
"name": "Support Team",
"email": "",
"expiresAt:": "2024-03-01T20:31:21Z",
"label": "VIP MEMBER",
"labelHex": "5DBB63",
"make": "Ford",
"model": "Focus",
"color": "Blue"
Update List Plates
This represents a way for you to update all plates for your permit or hot lists via our API. You can call a PUT request with an array of plate objects with a List ID as the payload, and the all the plates in the list will update to your provided plate list.
The following URL is the endpoint URL for updating all the plates in your lists.
PUT /v1/listplates
PUT listplates
Updates the plates in the list with the appropriate list ID.
Body payload
apiKey: String required
Your unique access API key for your organization. Please contact if you have not been granted one.
listId: String required
A unique list ID is generated for each list you create on the admin web dashboard. To find the correct list ID, go to the Lists tab in the admin web dashboard. Create a list and you can click to copy the list ID. See the image below for reference on how to find the list ID.
plates: [Plate] required
This is an array of plate objects. Each plate object follows the following structure:
plate: String required
name: String optional
email: String optional
expiresAt: String optional (UTC Date Time Format)
label: String optional
labelHex: String optional
make: String optional
model: String optional
color: String optional
"captureId": "c6b957d5-f7a9-4c96-bd7d-df96f8e97650",
"capturedAt": "2022-03-09T04:11:59Z",
"plate": "ABC123",
"confidence": 0.998779296875,
"userEmail": "",
"fullname": "Vert ALPR Support",
"alertMessage": "...",
"latitude": 37.773972,
"longitude": -122.431297,
"imgURL": "...",
"fullImageURL": "...",
"orgName": "HOA North",
"orgId": "d44cfd6d-39bc-4609-855d-b32b1333a825",
"listName": "Lot 1A",
"listId": "d1f83de4-20fd-4d64-8337-6643e5aa0546",

Get Lists
This represents a way for you to retrieve all of the lists you have created via the admin dashboard. This GET request returns a list of lists along with their names, creator, and list ID.
The following URL is the endpoint URL for retrieving your lists.
GET /v1/lists?apiKey=API_KEY
"createdBy": "",
"orgName": "Corporate Park 1A",
"orgId": "5cdbd472-5439-4890-bfef-8c37e77b90bf",
"listName": "Lot A Permits",
"listId": "f0aafdae-4c1b-4db7-890b-752d3a603bc3"
"createdBy": "",
"orgName": "HOA North",
"orgId": "d44cfd6d-39bc-4609-855d-b32b1333a825",
"listName": "Lot B Permits",
"listId": "b47d82f7-c0c1-46e5-8abe-b0ccc028b857"
Add Plates
This represents a way for you to add 1-10 plates to your list given the appropriate list ID. This POST request returns a success or failure upon completion.
The following URL is the endpoint URL for adding plates to your lists.
POST /v1/listplates/add
"apiKey": API_KEY,
"listId": LIST_ID,
"plates": [
"plate": "ABC123",
"name": "Support Team",
"email": "",
"expiresAt:": "2024-03-01T20:31:21Z",
"plate": "123ABC",
"name": "Support Team",
"email": "",
"expiresAt:": "2024-03-01T20:31:21Z",
Delete Plates
This represents a way for you to delete 1-10 plates from your list given the appropriate list ID. This POST request returns a success or failure upon completion.
The following URL is the endpoint URL for deleting plates from your lists.
POST /v1/listplates/delete
"apiKey": API_KEY,
"listId": LIST_ID,
"plates": [
Get Reports for a List
This represents a report generated by the scan history for a particular list. You can retrieve an array of report objects taken by all members of your organization for this list via the Vert ALPR mobile iOS/Android app.
The following URL is the endpoint URL for retrieving report objects.
GET /v1/reports/list?startDate=START_DATE&endDate=END_DATE&listId=LIST_ID
GET Reports for a list
Returns a report list consisting of an array of scan objects. The report scans are returned sorted by captured date in ascending order.
Query Parameters
startDate required
The earliest date boundary of your desired report.
endDate required
The latest date boundary of your desired report.
limit required
Max 10000. Sets the limit of the number of payload items returned.
listId required
The ID for the list that you want to retrieve a scan report for.
offset required
Sets the offset from the first item in the desired return set.
apiKey required
Your unique access API key for your organization. Please contact if you have not been granted one.
"captureId": "c6b957d5-f7a9-4c96-bd7d-df96f8e97650",
"capturedAt": "2022-03-09T04:11:59Z",
"plate": "ABC123",
"confidence": 0.998779296875,
"userEmail": "",
"fullname": "Vert ALPR Support",
"alertMessage": "...",
"latitude": 37.773972,
"longitude": -122.431297,
"imgURL": "...",
"fullImageURL": "...",
"orgName": "HOA North",
"orgId": "d44cfd6d-39bc-4609-855d-b32b1333a825",
"listName": "Lot 1A",
"listId": "d1f83de4-20fd-4d64-8337-6643e5aa0546",