Municipal parking infrastructure is rapidly changing. How we manage and enforce needs to change too.
To keep the industry at pace, Vert leverages AI, machine learning, and cloud computing to bring your operation leaps ahead in capability.
How it works
Vert is a proud partner with Zebra Technologies Corporation. The Vert ALPR mobile app supports the Zebra ZQ500 and ZQ600 Series of mobile thermal printers. Citations can be printed directly from the Vert ALPR mobile app. Time, location, vehicle make, and up to 4 proof photos are included on the citation.
How it works
Vert is a proud partner with Zebra Technologies Corporation. The Vert ALPR mobile app supports the Zebra ZQ500 and ZQ600 Series of mobile thermal printers. Citations can be printed directly from the Vert ALPR mobile app. Time, location, vehicle make, and up to 4 proof photos are included on the citation.
Printing with Vert Thermal Paper
Vert thermal paper is all weather-resistant. It is completely rain and water proof, smudge and fade resistant to prolonged UV exposure, and tear-proof to prevent accidental citation damage. Vert is compatible with 3 inch and 4 inch width Zebra mobile printers.
Printing with Vert Thermal Paper
Vert thermal paper is all weather-resistant. It is completely rain and water proof, smudge and fade resistant to prolonged UV exposure, and tear-proof to prevent accidental citation damage. Vert is compatible with 3 inch and 4 inch width Zebra mobile printers.
Payment portal and appeals
Vert provides a branded portal for violators to view their citation, pay, or appeal. Appeals can be reviewed via Vert Parking OS and can be confirmed or denied. Payment revenue is deposited directly to your bank account. The Vert Parking OS allows you to define the rules and pricing of your citations which are automatically synced to the Vert ALPR app for your patrol officers to immediately issue.
Payment portal and appeals
Vert provides a branded portal for violators to view their citation, pay, or appeal. Appeals can be reviewed via Vert Parking OS and can be confirmed or denied. Payment revenue is deposited directly to your bank account. The Vert Parking OS allows you to define the rules and pricing of your citations which are automatically synced to the Vert ALPR app for your patrol officers to immediately issue.
Get Vert ALPR for any device. Powerful mobile license plate recognition is now available for any iOS and Android phone or tablet.
Get Vert ALPR for any device. Powerful mobile license plate recognition is now available for any iOS and Android phone or tablet.
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Our AI and Vert OS platform offers powerful mobile LPR, enforcement, and management solutions.
Other Products
Our AI and Vert OS platform offers powerful mobile LPR, enforcement, and management solutions.
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